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What HSstats provides

HSstats is Nebraska’s first media provider to bring live scores and stats for high school athletics via the web and mobile devices.

HSstats works with Nebraska’s communities to provide the excitement of live high school sports. Whether you are unable to attend the big game or simply looking for live scoring and stats to scout the crosstown rival. HSstats has you covered. We are proud to be your FIRST and ONLY source for live mobile high school sports and look forward to bringing you the exciting, in depth coverage you’ve been waiting for!

Turn On the Lights Campaign

What if you could broadcast your team’s live scores and stats with the touch of a button? Now what if every team in your conference did the same? HSstats is currently assisting communities across Nebraska in ""wiring" the first live mobile network for high school sports coverage.

You can help!

If you are a fan and would like to bring fair, accurate sports reporting to your community and beyond, volunteer to become an HSstats correspondent today!

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We Provide stats to the people who cannot the attend games. Booster Clubs and Coaches. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra iaculis neque, elementum ullamcorper ligula sagittis ac. Etiam lectus arcu, feugiat nec consequat eu, ullamcorper ut neque. Sed volutpat mi id arcu blandit tempor. Sed non tortor magna, in mollis ligula. Aenean posuere felis id velit ornare congue ac eu nunc.

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Quick and Simple

  • 1 Recruit a Team Correspondent from your community

  • 2 Provide your fans and
    community with live scores
    and stats on their mobile
    phones and the web

  • 3 Start putting Advertisements on your pages

Contact for More Info

Select a school to see the Contact information.

The HSstats representative for your school:

James Jones

Become a Correspondent Recruit a Friend to Help!

Varsity Through Freshman Teams are Welcome